10. Video: Gathering & Wrangling

The Data Science Process Gathering And Wrangling

The CRISP-DM Process (Cross Industry Process for Data Mining)

We have now defined the questions we want to answer and had a look through the data available to find the answers, that is, we have looked at the first two steps here:

1. Business Understanding

2. Data Understanding

We can now look at the third step of the process:

3. Prepare Data

Luckily stackoverflow has already collected the data for us. However, we still need to wrangle the data in a way for us to answer our questions. The wrangling and cleaning process is said to take 80% of the time of the data analysis process. You will see that will hold true through this lesson, as a majority of the remaining parts of this lesson will be around basic data wrangling strategies.

We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the strategies discussed in this lesson.